Let me be REAL….Be Still and Take Rest.

Let me be real…

I smile, yet frown too.

I laugh big, yet cry bigger.

I have 13 children, yet have 5 in Heaven.

I am redeemed, yet unworthy.

I am a joyful wife, yet marriage takes work!

I am blessed, yet not of this world.

I adore my children, yet they grow too fast.

I love others, yet I am despised by many.

I reach out in friendship, yet receive rejection.

I have ideas, yet often choose submission to others.

I am a wicked sinner, yet a child of the most High God through the precious blood of Jesus!

I feel victory, yet defeat.

Some love my joy, others envy and hate it.

It amazes me the contrast of statuses you can face in one short day.

Yet, God’s still small voice reminds me through it all – “Be STILL and know that I am God”.

To chase down every false accusation, weird emotion, injustice, tear that rolls down my cheek, misunderstanding, hateful treatment, etc. would consume my time and rob my joy and derail me from the TRUE purpose of my existence- to glorify my Saviour by choosing to live a righteous life and win souls for Eternity in Heaven!

Instead, I MUST choose to “keep my eye on the prize” and “set my face like a flint” for the values I KNOW a HOLY God yearns for from His children.

Is it easy? NO! Yet I am reminded that if choosing to do right was “easy”, everyone would be doing it.

I thought I’d take a moment to be “real”. The right path is much less travelled. We live in a culture that snaps at others with petty frustrations and boldly and brashly speaks their minds. They are liberal in dishing out correction, yet can’t seem to receive it. ? It is a generation of the aftermath of parents raising spoiled children who have now grown into adults. They feel like the world “owes” them and they proclaim it from the rooftops. ?

It is beyond sad to watch the decline of our world today. It embraces sin and calls evil good and good evil. They are either confused or completely deceived by the devil and his ways.

I am then reminded that the Bible says, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” God is keeping track of it all. Turn over the hurts of this life to Him. ? He’s got it covered.

We MUST rise up (as Christians) and pave the way to go AGAINST the trend of this world and remember to look UP, for our redemption draweth nigh! ?

?Respond in love, when you may feel hurt.

?Choose joy when you may feel sorrow.

?Choose righteousness when you’re tempted to sin.

?Choose Holiness, for GOD IS HOLY!

And once again, choose rest. When you feel turmoil… REST – for our great God has got YOU in the palm of His hand. ?

?Jill Rodrigues

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
King James Version (KJV)

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