January 2021 – Family Update & Videos!


We apologize how LONG it has been since we have reached out to you with an update on how our family and ministry is doing.  We are doing great and it seems the older we (and our children) get, the busier we become.  We took a HUGE sigh of relief once we had the main part of our house built (on the inside) and Nathan & Nurie’s wedding done and paid for.  It was indeed a glorious wedding day (on July 25, 2020) and our home is a blessing. 

However, as soon as we finished all of that, we became swamped in the Print Shop with a ton more work and some more traveling to sing and present our ministry.  God has been SO good to us in allowing us to serve Him full time.  We are just now finishing up 110,000 Yellow Smiley Gospel booklets – 10,000 of them being Spanish.  It has been a family effort to get that job complete while working on other orders and preparing for a singing / presenting our ministry tour down South….midst keeping the children on track with their home school work, etc.  It is a VERY busy, yet FULL life.  We wouldn’t trade it for anything!  Jill is working on the annual Ladies’ Retreat presently.  It has been a challenge to plan with all the new Covid restrictions, but God is working out all of the details.  

Our biggest need right now is to pray for the funding to complete work on the house and print shop.  The space in the print shop is infringed upon due to us using a lot of it for living space.  We plan to build an addition off of the back of the house to put our living room space (for the family) there.  Then, we can fully use the shop space for what it was intended for – printing and all the work space that is involved in making that happen.  Please pray for us regarding this.

We love you all and although we have been disheartened at the direction our good, ole United States of America is headed, we know our hope is not in our government, but in the LORD (as we are seen singing about in the video below).  We pray it encourages you.

Stand STRONG, Christian.  In a world where Christians are caving to the pressures of this old, sinful world and its demands, now – MORE THAN EVER- we need to learn to endure HARDNESS as soldiers of the cross!  To NOT compromise on values we once held dear, yet, to love others big.  It is a fine line to walk, but God will always give us the wisdom to walk it!! 

Please check out our YouTube Channel under the name – Jill Rodrigues – for fun family videos PLUS a new series Jill has started named – “Make Your Life Count Minute with Jill”.   Hope you enjoy.  **Check out some of those videos below.**

God bless you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

With Care,  The Rodrigues Family