Happy June! As most of you know, this is known as PRIDE month for the LGBTQ movement. We put together this below video to explain Biblically exactly what it is that the rainbow stands for. We are blessed to say that this article got over 1,400 shares on Facebook!! Prayerfully, it brings many to the truth!! Hope it is a blessing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mvw_g2icDXs
As you all know, I hostess a yearly Ladies Retreat in the heart of Amish Country each early Spring (end of March / beginning of April). What a blessing it is to gather with these sweet ladies and be encouraged and edified together in the Lord. Below is a video of this past March’s Retreat – Seasons. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9rr-aopDqY
We have stayed VERY busy traveling and singing and doing LOTS of printing Gospel Literature this Spring! It is an HONOR to serve Jesus FULL time. Sadly, we just went through a TERRIBLE, Ohio Derecho storm! (**Pictures Below) It hit our road harder than nearly anywhere else. Our road and driveway were completely blocked with trees and houses were crushed. Thank God we did not have any trees near enough to our house to crush our house. We do have a TON of yard and tree clean up though. The children’s “tree fort” tree was completely uprooted from the storm. Sofia cried about that. Sweet little girl.
God was SO good to protect all of us though! We are still without power and it is predicted that we will be for DAYS longer. We do have a small generator that powers our essential appliances – such as our refrigerator and a few lights, water pump, etc. However, we are “roughing” it a bit and sadly, it caused our print shop work to come to a SCREECHING halt! With gas prices as high as they are, it is costing us a LOT to keep the generator running 24/7. People have asked how they can help us and our ministry during this time. The biggest way is – PRAYER. Please pray that our power will be restored sooner than later and that we can get back to work! Secondly, if anyone would like to help our family out during this extra strenuous, financial time, please feel free to donate to our ministry through the “Donate Now” button on our website.
Thank you so much for your love and support and may we all continue to serve Jesus faithfully until we meet here, there or in the air – when the trump sounds to bring us home to Heaven – hallelujah! What a day that will be! God bless you all and we send our love!
Longing to hear “Well Done” -The Rodrigues Family