Dear Readers,
Maybe many of you know the famous Dr. Tom Williams and the impact he has made on
this nation in the way of prayer, faith, and godly marriages. We are honored to call the Williams our personal friends. Recently, we were invited by them to attend Dr. Williams 80th birthday party at their home. Unfortunately, we are unable to attend because on that very same day, we were invited to a wedding. However, we were asked to type and send in to Mrs. Jeannine Williams a “memory” of her husband. She was trying to compile 80 “memories” of him to read at his party. David and I each shared what he meant to us. We thought we would share with you how this great man of God has personally impacted our lives. We love you, Dr. Tom Williams, and you are a pillar of faith in a world where that is virtually becoming extinct. Happy 80th Birthday and we LOVE YOU!! With Adoration, The Rodrigues Family
A “Memory” written by David…………
Dear Bro. and Mrs. Williams, At your request I have written down some things that impress upon my heart concerning Dr. Williams and his testimony to me. First of all, I would like to say that Dr. Williams was an inspiration to our family before we even had a chance to meet him. My wife and I taught a young married couples class for over 10 years. During that time we had the young couples to our house for a time of
fellowship and encouragement. We played some of Dr. Williams video tapes on marriage and commitment. These tapes were a great blessing to us as well as the young couples in our class. His devotion and example of love and dedication is tremendous. Secondly, I would like to say that since we have had the opportunity to meet Mr. and Mrs. Williams I have found Dr. Williams to be one of the most sincere, encouraging men of faith I have ever met. I know that he prays and cares for our family and success. There was one time in particular that Dr. Williams called me to pray with me concerning the sale of our home in NY. We talked and he prayed with me that morning. It was that very day that our home sold. I do not believe the timing was a coincidence. I believe that Bro. Williams has a sensitivity to God’s leading that is the reason for his success in the ministry. I only hope to be able to walk close enough to God in my life to see these kinds of consistent answers to prayer and God’s power on my life and family. I know that he will have an abundance of rewards in heaven for his labor of love. All because Jesus lives, We love and pray for you! Bro. David Rodrigues
A “Memory” written by Jill………………
What Doctor Tom Williams means to me………………..
When I was a little girl, my parents had an entire series of cassette tapes on how to have a happy marriage. It was from a seminar they had attended years ago with Dr. Tom Williams. I remember listening to those tapes and it impacting me and how I wanted to be a good wife someday. My Dad would talk highly of this great man of faith.
As time marched on and I became an adult, I watched the movie that the Williams had put out on how the former Mrs. Williams had contracted Spinal Meningitis on their trip to Israel. Dr. William’s undying faith during this trial, truly inspired me!! Shortly thereafter, I read the present day – Mrs. Jeannine William’s book. I was brought to tears and love for these people. Their love for God, their prayer life, their burden for souls, etc. encouraged me greatly!
I was married now and my husband taught a Young Married Couples Class. One night, we invited the entire class over to our home and watched a updated seminar on video from Dr. Tom Williams on how to have a good marriage. Again, it inspired me deeply. These were people that I looked up to and never DREAMED I would have the honor of meeting in person!
Well, eventually we went into full-time ministry ourselves and we began to print, travel and sing. We got invited to do the music at a conference where the special speaker was none other than – Dr. Tom Williams along with his DEAR wife – Jeannine.
I had to practically keep pinching myself to believe this moment was real! When I met the Williams, I stood in AWE at how humble they were! Here they were these
well known PILLARS of the FAITH and they treated our family kindly and warmly. They even had us into their RV twice to feed us! Dr. Williams messages were refreshing beyond words! He spoke his words in love, but stood on old fashioned, godly principles (an almost lost way of preaching now-a-days.) My husband and I asked the Williams of their “secret” of how they stayed so humble towards others rather than be lifted up in pride. They responded to us that the Bible tells us to be “clothed” in humility……………”Like wearing a fine suit!!” Dr. Williams lovingly told us.
That week of meetings with the Williams knit our hearts FOREVER together in friendship and love. We see the Williams now and then, and stay in touch with them through the phone and e-mails. They have become prayer warriors in the behalf of our family and ministry (as well as the thousands of others they pray for each day!). They also sacrificially took our family and my radio ministry on for support. When the chips are down, we know that we can call the Williams and they will encourage us in our faith and they will help us through the tough times.
To try to sum up on one small article of what Dr. Tom Williams (and his dear wife
Jeannine) means to me/us, would be nearly impossible. But I will say this, as a wife and also mother of 12 children, I VALUE so much having this couple’s influence in my life!! They have impacted me and my faith more than they will ever know!
Dr. Williams, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are a precious Saint of God that will go down in history as a GREAT MAN OF FAITH and PRAYER!!! We love you beyond words!!
Said in Truth and Love, Jill Rodrigues