True Story of Man in Ladies Bathroom!!
It had been a LONG month with our family suffering from a horrible car accident that my sister had been in, causing her neck to be severely broken. Our days had been filled with hospital visits and watching our own 11 children along with my sister’s 6 children while she and her “caretaker” husband stayed at the hospital.
My husband and I finally had a moment to go out to breakfast at IHOP to spend some much needed time with one another and to talk of all our family and my sister’s family had been through. We wearily talked and poured out our aching hearts to each other with many tears being shed. The meal was good and we enjoyed the time of fellowship with each other.
Before we left, I told my dear husband that I should run to the bathroom. I was only a couple of months away from delivering our 12th child. I entered the bathroom and quickly went. While I was in the stall, I heard someone else come into the bathroom. I didn’t think much of it and quickly finished my business. When I opened the stall door to walk to the sink to wash my hands, there was a sight before me that both startled and scared me!!
I was looking STRAIGHT at a MAN! His arms were hairy and his physique and build was tall and masculine. Even though there was NO denying he was a guy, there he stood in a skirt with a wig on his head to sport the image if a girl. He was applying makeup at the sink.
With downcast eyes, I tried to quickly walk past him. So much for washing my hands! I was too scared to stand there in a bathroom with someone who was CLEARLY a man. I glanced at him once more as I walked behind him to confirm my suspicions. I was then 100% sure that this person standing in the bathroom was a man.
My heart was beating so hard and I felt so nervous. I quickly made my way back to our table and I began to cry out to my husband, “What is this world coming to? There is a GUY in the ladies’ bathroom!! I wasn’t even able to wash my hands!”
My husband’s eyes immediately bugged out with concern. “What??!” he exclaimed. “Are you sure?”
“Yes!” was my response. “It scared me so much when I walked out of my stall only to see a guy standing there!”
My husband was immediately furious! “What right does a guy have to go into a ladies’ bathroom? I want to talk to management!”

When my husband finally got a hold of the manager, the manager assured us that they knew who this person was and that it was indeed a man …………………turning into woman! ABSURD! This man/woman was an employee at IHOP. He (or should I say “she”) wanted everyone around to recognize his “right” to enter the ladies’ bathroom……………because after all, he isn’t was God made him, he is turning into what HE wants to be…………….a WOMAN!
The manager was sympathetic with our concerns and beliefs but he felt that his hands were tied as far as doing anything to correct the issue. My husband, by now, was irate. He threatened to call the police. But, in a culture where sin is readily accepted as the “norm” we did not know if this would even help.
As Christians, we want to exercise a Christ-like spirit and love in our dealings with others, but where has our moral compass gone in this Country? These people want extra special treatment that even we (as Christians) are not allowed to have. They have taken their “rights” far beyond what the normal, average person is allowed. The “being fair” rule seems to only apply to their rights. If we were to act upon our beliefs in the way that they have so boldly done, we would probably land ourselves in prison. What are my “privacy rights” in the bathroom?
We left IHOP in defeat. We went across the street to another store and there was a police officer driving by. My husband flagged him down and told him what had just happened. The officer was also sympathetic to our feelings, but his hands were tied as to what he could do about it. He gave us a number to call and we quickly did so.
When my husband spoke with the officer on the phone, the officer said that they had had SEVERAL complaints concerning this man entering the ladies’ bathroom at IHOP. But……………..was gets done about it?………..NOTHING! All of our hands are legally tied.
Folks, this is just the start to a spiraling trend downward in the moral compass of our country! It will only get worse and there will begin to be utter confusion as to what is right and wrong. We need to turn back to what the Bible says about marriage and sodomy. When we follow the Bible as our “rule Book” it reaps joy and peace. When we stray away from it and excuse our sin and call it “sexual interpretation”, we will lose the blessings of God upon our Country. Just as the city of Sodom and Gomorrah did in the Bible times when God rained down fire and brimstone upon that city for their sin.
Please read what the Bible says about this………………….
Le 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Ro 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Now, we know that these people are in need of salvation just like we were! We want to show them the love of Christ and share with them the redeeming grace of Jesus Christ! However, we as believers of the Bible will call this was it is – SIN! We need an old fashioned revival in this country that convicts us from sin. Our prayer is that we can show the love of Christ to others, but also make our position clear in this area………….according to God’s Word.
God bless you all and may each of your hearts be inspired to always use GOD’S WORD as the compass in your life rather than the social media. We have found that HIS WAYS WORK!………….smile.
(True Story – Written by Jill Rodrigues by request of Allen Whitt (President) from Family Policy Counsel in WV)