These Blog Posts are going to diminish! Please look at our VIDEO button to watch video updates on our family & ministry.

Greetings, friends. As you have noticed, these blog posts have become less frequent. Our ministry continues to grow, as does our family through marriages and grandbabies. Life seems to get busier and busier. We are pretty faithful in posting NEW YouTube videos which we add to this website in the video tab. Please enjoy catching updates of our family and ministry there. You can also follow us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts at- David Jill Noyes Rodrigues. We do daily, family/ministry updates there.

Thank you for your faithful financial and prayer support of our ministry. Our printing ministry continues to grow and we have now printed MILLIONS of Gospel Tracts….all for the glory of God and to propagate His blessed truth of the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! To God be the glory, great things HE hath done!

We also continue to travel to sing, David preach and present our Printing Ministry.

It is rewarding, yet hard to watch our home slowly empty as our children grow up and start their own lives. Yet, we have NO greater JOY than to hear that our children walk in truth.

We love and appreciate you all!

In His Service, David & Jill Rodrigues