Just to be brutally honest…this is a baby the worldly, radical, leftist, evil people would have deemed as “abortable”. 😫😠

Extensive sonogram testing showed major concerns on the development of Janessa’s brain. Cysts, stroke (leaving a portion of her brain damaged) and no corpus callosum were the grave diagnosis once she was born. 😭😢
We cried, not knowing what the future held. Would she ever walk, talk or live a normal life?Through it all though, we had peace and an overwhelming love swept over the chords of our hearts that God had placed this precious baby girl (our 13th child) in our care for a reason. 😊❤
We prayed over her every night since she was born and trusted. Trusted a sovereign God. Trusted that HE would give the strength no matter what. Still trusting.
To this day, Janessa has shown NO signs of being behind developmentally. She tries to talk, walk and is RIGHT on target. The doctors scratch their heads…eager (it seems) to find SOMETHING she is lacking in; behind in; slow in.
They find…NOTHING.
What a great God we serve. 😁❤
Now we understand and appreciate that not all situations have such happy and successful endings. We are grateful to a God that still works miracles. 😊❤
However, our point is, if ANYONE is looking to ONLY give birth to a perfect baby and if the baby was NOT, they will abort them. 😢
In a heartless decision like that, our precious little Janessa Ruth would have been one of those sad statistics. She would be lying mangled and ripped apart lying in some dumpster behind a demonic and evil abortion clinic. 😭
It pains me to even type out those words. Yet, it is a reality check. We CANNOT give in to human reasoning, convenience, or perfection in order to be “comfortable” with giving birth to human life.
All life is ordained by GOD! Let HIM be the artist of how HE chooses to paint and design that life. Resting our concerns, worries, lack of resources, etc. in HIS capable hands brings a peace that TRULY passes all understanding. 💖💙 Plus, God never fails!
Take a close look at this precious baby girl! Do you think her life should have been snuffed out before it even began due to wicked and inadequate “human” reasoning? NO, NO, NO!
She is perfect, precious, beautiful, special, loved, and designed perfectly by her Maker- God. 😊💖
As I snuggle my nose against her soft cheek, a tear runs down my face. I raise my eyes towards Heaven and thank God for this precious little gift from God….our sweet, little Janessa Ruth.