The end of November, we celebrated precious Sadie’s 1st birthday! It’s hard to believe it has been a year since we had her!!

The Pastor and Pastor’s wife at a church we were at had these baby bunnies and more. They were just SO cute!

We are going to show you now the various churches we have been at over the course of the last month or so.

We then visited Gil Bates’ Church again. Their family just started a new series of TV shows on the UP (Uplifting Entertainment) Channel. It began airing the beginning of January. Feel free to tune in to watch!! It is called “Bringing Up Bates”.
David helped hang insullation with our boys in this church’s new auditorium they are building! We enjoy helping out churchesdo projects (as we can) when we travel.

This is the church with “Faith Baptist Publications”. It is a print shop that David & I have been helping out at while we are parked here in Florida.

So, we have been staying busy singing at various churches and trying to help out where we can as we travel. This, along with the busyness of traveling, computer work, paper work, phone calls, many other ministries we are involved with, homeschooling 9 children, etc. this has become a full-time job in of itself!!!………..smile.

In our travels, we were able to stop by David’s sister – Jaynell – and her husband Josh’s house and stay for almost a week. It was nice to see family. This is Jill with her 2 sister in laws – Nikki and Jaynell.

As an early Christmas gift, Josh and Jaynell took our family out to eat and then took us to the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN to see the beautiful water falls INDOORS and Christmas lights!!

While there, David got his shoes polished! (A TOTALLY new experience!) They looked like NEW afterwards.

Our travels also took us to the “Creation Museum” in Kentucky. God amazes us at how He provides for us to do these things. We were given a great discount at the register and as a result, I had tears streaming down my face as I thanked the cashier and thanked my God! He is so faithful!!

We like to go here because it teaches our children how important it is to believe in CREATION as opposed to EVOLUTION! We try to continue to contend for the TRUTH!!!

I have been SO sick with this pregnancy! David has been a perfect husband in supporting and helping me. One day, he told me he wanted to take me out to a restaurant on the water here in Florida. I was thrilled! My daughter helped me curl my hair and put myself together for our “hot date”. It was beautiful and my husband and I had such a good time talking on spiritual things and how we can strive to be better parents. We sat by the water hearing the waves splash up on the shore. It was so peaceful and we watched the sunset! It is challenging serving the Lord full-time and we have had our share of ups and downs, but it is not a life we would trade for the world!