April 11th……
Yeah! Finally on our way to see Timothy. There is still a little turbulence near Denver, Colorado due to the blizzard snowstorm in the Rockies…but we are almost there for our layover. Then, on to Spokane, Washington!
Thank God, even though our flight got cancelled yesterday due to the storm, they re-booked us for today!

We are here. Safe and sound! SOOO good to see Timothy! Let the fun begin.

This was the snow from the snowstorm when we arrived in Denver, Colorado yesterday on our layover to Washington State. WOW!

Once we (Jill, Renee and nursing Janessa) finally arrived in Washington State, we went to the Missions’ House, got settled; got cleaned up; took a short nap and then went to a restaurant called “The Milk Bottle” to celebrate Janessa’s 1st birthday. So special! Janessa, we are SO thankful for you!

The next night’s stop for dinner after going to the mall. Timothy (every Saturday after soul winning visitation) goes to the mall to hand out a ton of Gospel Tracts. He knows that his own Dad got saved that way…so he loves doing it.
You know you are blessed when on the way home, a car stalls in front of us and your son (Timothy) immediately pulls over to help. They ran out of gas…so, Timothy runs to the gas station and gets them gas. When he brings it back, he hands them a Gospel Tract and invites them to church. Love ya, Bud! Love, Mom

The next day it was a fun day of exploring downtown Spokane, Washington. We especially enjoyed going to the historical Davenport Hotel and finding the “secret” inscription in the wood of the beautiful crown molding saying, “Will You Marry Me?”. SOO interesting! It was found under all the drywall and paint when they restored the hotel back to it’s somewhat original state.
It has been a blessing spending quality time with these 3 precious children of mine…Timothy, Renee and Janessa.

What a blessing to go to church with Timothy. LOVED watching him sing in the choir. Loved seeing and visiting with his precious church family. LOVE seeing my son (on his own) choose to do right with his life and to seek God in all that he does.
Timothy, keep on keeping on for Jesus. Continue to bathe ALL decisions in your life in prayer. Keep singing and playing that trumpet. Continue to always make God the LORD of your life. And know this…I will always be your BIGGEST cheerleader. Praying with fervency for you every step of the way!
Forever, Mom

What a lovely day again in downtown Spokane, Washington…looking at the falls among other fun things we did. What quality time with 3 of my precious children. I sure do miss my hubby and children at home though, but am cherishing this time. -Jill

Enjoyed going bowling with some of my favorite people!!

At Sky Way Cafe eating breakfast. It was our last day to spend with Timothy. It was at Spokane Airport where Moody Aviation is located. (In case you didn’t know, Timothy is studying to become a missionary pilot).

Beautiful visit to a garden park with Timothy. Wow! God’s creation is SO glorious!

It was SUCH a blessing that God provided for us to go see Timothy. Unlike most college students who come “home” for the summer, Timothy will be unable to do that because he is working a job and does not want to lose that due to him paying his OWN way through college. We are SO proud of his hard work and love and miss him, yet we are thrilled he is following his passion and calling. Timothy is honestly going to make a GREAT dad someday. He is kind, gentle, loving, helpful and SUPER creative in building fun things for his younger siblings. Timothy, Janessa just LOVED spending quality time with you…her big brother. THANK YOU for setting a good example to your younger siblings and choosing to do RIGHT with your life! We love you dearly!

On our way back home!!
Flying over the Rocky Mountains on our way home from Washington.. How beautiful…and the rumor is that our world is overpopulated, so STOP having babies. 🤔🤔
**News Flash** It is NOT overpopulated. That is a lie from the devil. Take the children God will bless you with and raise them up for the glory of God!

On another Note…By Timothy’s Pastor’s wife…
“Why is it now that CHRISTIANS think it is okay to do “social” drinking? It is SO sad…especially when the Bible CLEARLY condemns it. I think it is because they are apathetic, second generation Christians that have not seen the devastating effect drinking has on families and our nation. Where as I, well… I experienced that first hand.”
Folks, this is SO true and I was glad to hear her say it. Yesterday, I saw first hand the DEVASTATING effects of this. There was a man…broken, blind, twisted….ALL due to his father coming home drunk when he was a baby. His father (in his drunken stupor) kicked his baby boy across the yard. He kicked him SO hard, that the baby landed fiercely against a tree trunk….hitting his baby boy’s head SO hard that he went blind and will never live a normal life mentally. 😫 My heart ached. My heart BROKE! Let’s get back to what sin should be called….SIN!
Called me old fashioned. That’s okay by me. – Jill

Wow! This was me (Jill) holding my baby Timothy…19 years ago! 😯 Time sure does fly!
Moms, raise up those children for the glory of God. If we raise them up JUST to “have a good life” (and of course that is what we hope and want for them), but without the focus on them living a passionate life for Jesus, then we are investing no more into our children that we do a dog or animal. Yes, we feed, nourish, cherish, and put a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs. BUT…our ultimate goal should go MUCH deeper than that.
This world has a VERY strong pull towards evil. Protect, train, and warn them while they are young to put on their guard. Teach that satan is as a rouring lion….seeking whom he may devour. The battle is real. Put on the WHOLE armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. -Jill

On a sober note….
Heaven and Hell is real! Where are YOU going someday? Have you asked the Lord Jesus to save you of your sins? Are you trusting in His shed blood at Calvary to save you? I hope so….because we want to see YOU in Heaven someday.

God bless you all. We love you. -The Rodrigues Family