**Kaylee’s Graduation Photos Below…
Home…oh, SWEET home! After being in our RV for 2 months, our home seems HUGE! We are SO blessed! Here I come, gardening!
LOVE being home and getting my little seedlings started for my garden. I had a HUGE garden in New York and a very small one when living in Clay, WV. Now, I am back to big.

I want to teach my children to live off the land. To be productive. To be hard working. To use their minds. To be creative. NOT to just sit around watching TV and playing on phones or social media. Mamas, let’s raise up a generation of productive children.

My garden….ready for planting.
Do you like the garden entrance (trellis) my boys made for me? Also, thank you, boys, for putting together my garden boxes. You are the BEST! Love, Mama

How GLAD we were to get back to see these 2 amazing people…my precious parents!

It has been great to be back at our home church- Maranatha Baptist Church!!
We cannot believe our beautiful and sweet and godly Kaylee is already about to graduate from Rodrigues Family high school! 😬😩😁👍
She is such an incredible blessing to us. She is such a hard worker and great organizer in our home! Kaylee, we love you and GREAT job on almost completing high school. 😁❤
Can you tell Kaylee LOVES farms? She prays to marry a farmer someday and even wanted her photo shoot on a farm. 😄
Didn’t her senior / graduation pictures turn out great?!! As always our photographer- Lori McCrary Schaible at LS Photography did an AMAZING job! 😊❤👍 Thank you!

My wonderful husband (for no specific reason) brought me home flowers, jar of candy, balloon, and nice card and offered to take me on a date.
How did I get SO blessed?! I love you, Babe, and thanks for a lovely date last night!! Hugs, Jilly xoxo

What a blessing it is as a family to work in the print shop together to get Gospel Tracts ready to ship out to churches, missionaries and ministries. May many souls be saved for the GLORY of God!

By Phillip Rodrigues…
“The standard we hold as Christians ought to have been revealed unto us by God and blessed of His Kingdom or dominion and power. For if we go on in our own power, how shall we continue in our stand? And, how shall we advance the Kingdom of God when our footsteps are straying from His example?
Consider your stand to see that it is stable. Consider your convictions to see if they will last; so that when people see your standard, they may know that it is a standard loved of God and promoted by His everlasting Kingdom of peace.”

I have to say, that this lady (my sweet sister- Amy Foster – Kevin Foster) is my hero. We are SO glad to be back in town so that we could go visit and fellowship with them last night.
I had fun cutting Amy’s hair and we LOVED the sweet fellowship with this precious family.
Nurie and Janessa each have a birthday this month, so Amy had some cookie/cake ready for them so we could sing to them.

These “Longyi” skirts are from Alpha Boggs. Mrs. Boggs, thank you from the DEPTHS of our hearts for purchasing all of these for us when you were on your Missions trip visiting your daughter and family in Myanmar / Burma.
We really like them and appreciate the modesty the women have there. We LOVE you, Mrs. Boggs! ~The Rodrigues Ladies

Sweet Scriptures From God’s Word the Bible….
Ps 145:14 “The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.”
Ps 145:21 “My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever.”
We love you all and God bless you as you continue to serve Him!
With SO Much Care, The Rodrigues Family