We do have exciting news! Jonathan and Kaylee had a baby boy! I will share the details with you below, as I shared them on Facebook. Also, Jill’s Mom’s brain continues to heal, and we are SO thankful for that! Please read those details below as well!! God bless you all and thank you for your continued prayers for our family and ministry! We finished another 300,000 Gospel Tracts the beginning of July. We have been swamped with printing the Gospel, traveling to sing and present our printing ministry, along with David preaching! God is SO Good to allow us to serve Him full time. We face a LOT of spiritual warfare, but it will be worth it all, when we see Jesus! Please enjoy our updates below……
First Post / Update…
Well, we were at my sister Amy Foster’s house in West Virginia for my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary celebration and the 4th of July, and I woke up to Kaylee shaking me and telling me she was bleeding and having contractions. She is only 32 weeks along. Her official due date was August 28th. So, we went to the hospital, and she was already 5 cm dialated. They are trying to slow down the labor, but to no avail. They gave the baby steroids to strengthen his lungs. Once born, he will probably be in the NICU for a few weeks. We would appreciate the prayers. Thank you. -Jill for us all
Second Update …….
Introducing….-Gideon Daniel Hill (Born 8 weeks early) -Born on July 5th (also Kaylee’s birthday) at 9:17 am. They held off labor as long as possible, but Gideon had plans to be born on his Mama’s birthday and nothing stopped him!
– 4 lbs. 9 Oz. – Kaylee was a trooper and did the entire labor and delivery with no pain meds!
– Gideon is having trouble with his breathing, so they will he transferring him to another hospital with a higher level of NICU care.
– Thank you for your continued prayers. -This baby is already SO loved! God is GOOD!

Third Update….
Even though Gideon was born 2 months early, he is doing AMAZINGLY well at the Akron Children’s Hospital in Akron, Ohio. God is Good! Happy Birthday, Kaylee & Gideon! We love you both SO much! We did a lot of prayers and singing for Gideon, along with the Bible placed on top of his incubator. Philemon 1:6 “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”
Fourth Update…..
Kaylee has been doing lots of kangaroo care / skin to skin with Gideon. Kaylee is such a good mom….just like Nurie. I watch them mother their children with a passion, and my heart fills to overflowing! Kaylee is faithfully pumping breastmilk and (other than some IV fluids), that is what they are exclusively feeding Gideon in the NICU. Kaylee or Jonathan often administers his feedings of breastmilk, every 3 hours. Gideon is thriving and doing the best he can for being 8 weeks early! God is SO Good and His natural ways work! Also, Gideon had a good-sized knot in his umbilical cord! The nurse pointed it out and said, “I think that is why God had him born early!” She had heard us praying before he was born. Thank you, Jesus!

Fifth Update…..
I got this text from Kaylee (below). It brings my heart great joy that Jonathan and Kaylee are investing SO much in their precious baby. They are so committed to being there for sweet Gideon. They live right in the room with him and I think that is why he is thriving so much! He sees, smells and hears his Daddy and Mommy 24/7.
From Kaylee….I got the CUTEST pictures of little Gideon looking all around. It was and is soo precious. Jonathan also enjoys holding Gideon and it is sooo sweet. He sings to Him, reads him the Bible, etc. Gideon is always SO CALM and peaceful during these times.

Sixth Update…..
It has been over a week of Kaylee in the hospital with little Gideon. Jonathan has now gone back to work. It is a blessing for J & K to live at the hospital with Gideon. Pray for God to give sweet Kaylee strength as she continues to function on little sleep, deals with some grumpy nurses (lots are amazing, though) and misses home. However, we are THRILLED and rejoicing that God is strengthening Gideon and helping him to thrive! We are thankful for the incredible care of the NICU staff and Kaylee and Jonathan have offered him!
Update from sweet Kaylee…..”There were able to take Gideon completely off of extra oxygen, because He kept doing so well in room air. They said, ‘We like when babies do this good’!”
Seventh Update…..
Last week, I got to hold Gideon for the 1st time. What a GLORIOUS moment it was! He is SO precious and such a little fighter. Kaylee said he rarely cries and is determined to learn how to nurse, breathe, etc. I love him with every fiber of my being!
Gideon is doing AMAZING! I think it is because of Kaylee’s dedication to be by his side to pump, nurse, hold him, sing to him, pray with him, read the Bible to him, etc. She and Jonathan have already proven what incredible parents they are! God is Good! Pray that they can bring him home as soon as it is safe for him.

Eighth Update…..
Gideon is nearly 5 and a half pounds now! His lungs continue to grow and get stronger. His oxygen assistance is almost down to nothing. He is doing great at learning to nurse. Just a couple weeks longer and he may be able to go home! Jonathan and Kaylee cannot wait for that glorious moment!
Ninth Update….
VERY exciting news! After exactly four weeks of being in the NICU, Gideon was discharged!! He is thriving, gaining weight quickly, and his lungs are strong!! Thank you for your prayers! Our hearts are FULL of rejoicing! God is Good! (Pics Below)….

Update on Jill’s Mom….
My parents’ 50th wedding anniversary celebration was on July 3rd (the night before Kaylee went into labor). My mom is doing SO much BETTER!! All of the sudden, she is improving at rapid pace! We are all SO excited and blessed! Please pray she doesn’t get too ambitious, and she fall out of her wheelchair. She has already fallen trying to get up by herself. Please pray for her to get stronger and that she would not get hurt. Thank you for all of your prayers! We are blessed! It is good to talk and laugh with Ma like old times. We are BEYOND grateful for this extra time God has gifted us with to enjoy our precious mother! What an AMAZING example my parents are to have made it to 50 years of marriage! We love them both SO much!!

Well, that is it for now. We hope you enjoyed those updates! God bless you all!
With Love, The Rodrigues Family