Our entire family visited Grandpa Lupole in New York in February 2014. He was such a kind, loving, gentle man and was dedicated to his Lord. He will be missed!!

Grandpa fought in World War II and he was on the front lines. He even had the honor but heart-wrenching jobs of opening up the gates to one of the concentration camps in Germany.

I had the honor of being by my Grandpa’s side when he passed into Eternity on May 9, 2014. It seemed like a sacred and precious moment! I praise God that my Grandpa was a Christian and he is now in Heaven!

My Mom with her 2 brothers and one nephew (left – Ken) (far right – Larry) and deceased brother Jack’s son – Jason. They loved their dad ( Jason’s grandpa) and will miss him!! Uncle Ken was a great “care-taker” to Grandpa until his passing.