Florida Pics (Including Pics with Anna Duggar’s Family) March 2016

We had a great trip to Florida with a packed full schedule.  We heard a LOT of awesome preaching and we sang a lot!  God blessed and many churches want us back next year.  When we get even more jobs to do here at the print shop in WV, we may not be able to make trips that take this long, but for now, we want to continue to walk through the doors that God opens for us to serve Him!!  Although we were in church MANY of the days of each week, we did not get many pics of that.  However, we found little moments to take “breathers” as a family and spend time with the children doing something fun.  Enjoy the pictures of that below!  Go to the bottom for pics of Anna Duggar’s Family and for an extra special treat at the end!!!

Hi, Daddy!!

Hi, Daddy!!

David took me to see the St. Augustine (oldest city in America) Fort.  It was so interesting.

David took me to see the St. Augustine (oldest city in America) Fort. It was so interesting.

Olivia (4 yrs. old) was a little fish in the heated pools that we swam at in the RV parks that we stayed at a couple of times.

Olivia (4 yrs. old) was a little fish in the heated pools that we swam at in the RV parks that we stayed at a couple of times.

Our new CD cover picture by the beach.

Our new CD (named “Springs of Living Waters” – available soon on our website – www.rodriguesfamilyministries.com) cover picture by the beach.

Rock wall climbing at Pensacola Christian College.  I did absolutely horrible.  I expected to climb to right to the top, but when I got on the wall, it was MUCH harder than it looked and I am afraid of heights!  It was a fun experience though.

Rock wall climbing at Pensacola Christian College in the Sport Center. I did absolutely horrible. I expected to climb to right to the top, but when I got on the wall, it was MUCH harder than it looked and I am afraid of heights! It was a fun experience though.

However, our oldest 3 children did awesome!!

However, our oldest 3 children did awesome!!

They made it to the top on many climbs.

They made it to the top on many climbs.  (Our girls normally NEVER wear pants, but it was the only wear that was appropriate for these rock climbs…………yikes!)



Our beautiful Kaylee.  She is SUCH a helper with our babies and a wonderful blessing in our home!

Our beautiful Kaylee. She is SUCH a helper with our babies and a wonderful blessing in our home!

David took me on a beautiful date night to a restaurant right on the ocean!  It was truly breathtaking!

David took me on a beautiful date night to a restaurant right on the ocean! It was truly breathtaking!

We enjoyed the Alligator Farm (near St. Augustine, FL).

We enjoyed the Alligator Farm (near St. Augustine, FL).

Hannah & Gabriel

Hannah & Gabriel

Happy Family

Happy Family

My hubby snapping shots.......smile.

My hubby snapping shots…….smile.

Fun at the beach! (We try to find a more remote spot that is not filled with people with virtually no clothes on.)......... Sad

Fun at the beach! (We try to find a more remote spot that is not filled with people with barely any clothes on.)……… Sad

I have SO much fun playing with the children in the water!

I have SO much fun playing with the children in the water!

Babies with Daddy further from the water........having fun in the sand!

Babies with Daddy further from the water……..having fun in the sand!

David took me across the street from Daytona 500 race track to a restaurant called "Cheddars".

David took me across the street from Daytona 500 race track to a restaurant called “Cheddars” for a late Valentines’ Day celebration.   After we ate, we went across the street and looked around.  It was late and quiet, but it was actually race weekend.  In this pic, we are standing in front of Dale Earnhardt’s statue.  He was killed at this race track.  (So sad…….we hope that he knew the Lord as His Saviour!)

We SO enjoyed spending a day at the Keller's Home (Anna Duggar's parents).  They are SUCH sweet, godly people and we met them for the first time last year.  We were glad to get to know them even better this year.  We SO appreciated their hospitality and for feeding us a delicious meal!

We SO enjoyed spending a day at the Keller’s Home (Anna Duggar’s parents). They are SUCH sweet, godly people and we met them for the first time last winter. We were glad to get to know them even better this year. We SO appreciated their hospitality and for feeding us a delicious meal!  (In this pic, the older children are playing a fun game together.)

Our boys (along with Nathan and David - Anna Duggar's younger brothers) having fun playing football!

Our boys (along with Nathan and David – Anna Duggar’s younger brothers) having fun playing football!

Tennis!  FUN!

Tennis! FUN!

Jill & Sofia with Mrs. Suzette Keller.  She is such a sweet sister in Christ and I GREATLY enjoyed her fellowship!

Jill & Sofia with Mrs. Suzette Keller. She is such a sweet sister in Christ and I GREATLY enjoyed her fellowship!

David and Mr. Mike Keller really enjoyed talking Bible prophecy, etc.  We are thankful for Mr. Keller's thirst for the Word of God and for his passion for spreading its amazing truths and promises through his amazing books!

David and Mr. Mike Keller really enjoyed talking Bible prophecy, etc. We are thankful for Mr. Keller’s thirst for the Word of God and for his passion for spreading its amazing truths and promises through the books that he has written!

14 children altogether!!

14 children altogether!!



We love you, Keller Family!

We love you, Keller Family!









Well,  that concludes the pics we have of our Florida trip.  We want to say that we spent many more hours and moments of time with MANY other precious people also.  However, we do not always remember to take pictures.  We “kick” ourselves for forgetting to grab the camera time and again, but we are thankful for each and every individual that reaches out their hand of friendship to our family.  We love you all in the Lord and look forward to (Lord willing) to seeing you again next year.

Below is a list I compiled (while in Florida) of attributes that God is to me!  I wanted to take a moment and just BRAG ON MY GOD!!!

God is my…………….

A~ Abba Father

B~ Beloved Saviour

C~ Christ

D~ Deliverer

E~ Everlasting

F~ Father

G~ God / Groom

H~ Heavenly Father

I~ Intercessor

J~ Jesus

K~ King of Kings

L~ Lord of Lords

M~ Master / Merciful

N~ Name above all Names

O~ Omniscient

P~ Powerful

Q~ Quick & powerful (sharper than any two-edged sword)

R~ Resting Place

S~ Saviour

T~ Truth / Trinity

U~ Understanding

V~ Victor”er”

W~ Wonderful

X~ X-ray (to my sin)

Y~ (The same)……Yesterday, today and forever / Yearning Desire

Z~ Zealous                  …………..and that just begins to describe Him!!!

(written by Jill Rodrigues – Feb. 2016)


Because He Lives,     The Rodrigues Family