This is how ladies used to dress to swim in the “olden” days. Can I share a sad, true story with you?
On our way back East, my husband found a KOA to park at. ? My heart was so heavy…due to having left Timothy behind. It was a campground that was serene and in the middle of wilderness, it seemed. My husband booked 2 nights so we could cherish some family time. We got stocked up on “cook out” food and settled in for some peace and quiet…well, as much as possible with 12 children.
Our children were THRILLED that the KOA had a playground, jumping pillow, and pool. I also LOVE to swim with the children for exercise.
The first day we all walked to the camp store to shop and the children wanted to buy some goodies with their spending money. ? When we finished our shopping, the children (with Nurie watching) played in the game room while I walked Janessa back to the RV with David. I laid her down for a nap and David stayed back to watch her for me so I could go swim with the children.
When I got back to the game room, ? the children told me that the lady working in the store, sternly told the children they could NOT play in the game room and MUST leave! Our children responded with a respectful, “Yes Ma’am”, and prepared to leave. However, this was a child friendly campground and our children inwardly felt the injustice coming from a lady that had a CLEAR dislike for children.
(Can I add something here? I stand behind the adult when my children are in the wrong and I recognize that children of this day and age are increasingly disrespectful and disobedient to authorities. However, I have ALSO noticed that we increasingly live in a culture that has a HEAVY dislike for children. They are viewed as a bother, rather than blessing. The impatient spirit and lack of love and natural affection towards them increases from adults.
There seems to be more love and value placed on puppies?….rather than children… for thought).
We proceeded to the playground, played, picked raspberries, ?and then went to swim. We had a grand ole time together in the water….swimming, racing, coin gathering, etc. Little did we know that someone had meandered to the pool during our swim time and with disgust, ? noticed our modest swimwear. The next morning they also noticed our swimwear hanging and draped all over our picnic table.
So, they marched to the office with a stern complaint of the campers that were swimming in their “street clothes”! ?
We knew not of what had just transpired and that camper left that day. We cheerfully woke up, ate, and planned our day. We all headed to the gift shop again to specifically look for swim goggles. As we were looking, Nurie and I were standing near each other. We both heard a loud THUD! WHAT WAS THAT?!! ??
Nurie looked at me and said “Oww! What was that?!” We looked all over the floor and saw nothing. Nurie then looked under the icecream cooler we were standing next to and noticed the mousetrap that had violently come down on her toe! ? Dear me!
I kindly proceeded over to the cashier (who had kicked our children out of the game room the day before) ?♀️and explained what had happened with the mouse trap. I simply wanted her to know so she would understand why it was flipped and hoped it would encourage her (or whoever was in charge) to put it MUCH further under the cooler….out of harms way.
She just stared at me with a look of…”What do you want ME to do about it?!!” ?♀️ Not even a simple “sorry” proceeded from her mouth.
I politely questioned her on her indifference and she looked at me with disdain. “I’m sorry”….she methodically and with disgust retorted to me.
With inward sagging spirits, ?♀️?♀️ we quietly left and headed to the pool. On our way over, I prayed ? out loud with the children.
You see, the Bible tells us that if we are living according to God’s plan, we will be a peculiar people….
Deuteronomy 14:2 “For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.
Titus 2:14 “Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”
People of this world (and perhaps sadly many Christians even) see a peculiar thing in our family! LOTS of kids. Girls with long skirts and feminine touches of jewelry and makeup. Boys with pants and short hair. Homeschooling. Traveling, singing, preaching, and printing for Jesus. WEIRD! PECULIAR! LOL. ??? However, God’s ways have NEVER been popular in this world. We could choose to “fit in”, but instead what drives us is this…..
Proverbs 15:3 “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”
3 John 1:11 “Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.”
People think the way we live is STRANGE! LOL. ?? Honestly, I probably would too if I did not have the Holy Spirit in me guiding me/us towards the heart of God in these matters.
Pressing on, we CHOSE joy and began to cheerfully swim… ?in spite of this world’s common injustices. After only about 20 minutes, a KOA worker sternly came into the pool area.
He looked around and then came up to me. “ARE YOU IN CHARGE OF THIS GROUP?” ?
I was in the middle of talking to a lady that was swimming with her daughter. I was looking for the right moment to be a witness to her for Jesus. ?
“Yes”, I responded.
“YOU CANNOT be in here swimming in your street clothes!”
“Oh”, I cheerfully responded with a smile. “We are Christians and these are not street clothes, but modest swim apparel. We….”
“I don’t CARE!” He interrupted. “Those ARE street clothes… GET OUT!” He then left.
“Okay, I respectfully responded. “Children”, I called. “We need to get out”.
Nurie had JUST left to take Sadie to the bathroom and I did not want to leave without her. So, I worked my way out of the pool and walked over to the edge to finish my conversation with the lady swimming. She made a comment that showed me she was sorry for how we had just been treated. I assured her it was okay and proceeded to wrap up my conversation with her. Nurie still wasn’t back yet.
After only a short time, he came back. ???? Oh No! “Children”, I promptly called, “We need to go.”
He walked over to me STEAMING that we had not yet left! I explained that I did not want to leave my 2 daughters behind and that we would now leave. (Nurie had just walked back in with Sadie).
It didn’t matter what my excuse was. He looked me in the eye and spewed out threats! I smiled and assured him we were leaving and wished him a goodnight.
I was smiling on the outside, but inside, I felt like I was shaking! ?
As we left, the children were looking at me with saucer eyes! What had just happened?
I briefly explained and said we would talk about it more once we got back to the RV. ?
You know, this old world is going to wax worse and worse….especially when Christians continue to lower their standard to match that of the worlds. More and more there will be an intolerance for righteous choices.
I have heard the common argument, be LIKE the world, so that you can reach them with the Gospel. That is grossly inaccurate and un-biblical. However, YES….we should LOVE the world, but come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord.
When the chips are down in the lives of the lost, they go to the people they KNOW are Christians. If our light is SO dim for Jesus, how will they know?
Anyway, I reminded my children, that in a way, this was a form of persecution and that it was an HONOR! I reminded them that at least we got to swim and said that there are people sitting in jail cells for their belief in Jesus Christ and for following His principles!
I want to add a foot note that we do NOT force our older children to dress this way….they CHOOSE to! I am blessed to have girls that at the very THOUGHT of putting on “colored underwear” ? (all under the name of swimming) brings a blush to them! WHERE HAS THE “BLUSH” in our culture gone?
I Timothy 2:9 “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety;”
Titus 2:5 “To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”
This message is NOT popular. But if we think of a holy and righteous God….what do you think HE would choose for us….LESS clothing or MORE?
We strive to not have a condescending, legalistic approach in our demeanor. We strive to LOVE others that do not choose to live exactly like us. That is the spirit of Christ.
However, sometimes simply living out those principles brings conviction to those around us.
My husband was defensive of his family and went to the office to defend us and to try to get our $ back for that night. The damage was already done though and we felt completely unwelcome. They refused to reimburse us. So, we ended up leaving that night….losing the money we had paid for that night.
More and more these are the kind of common attacks our family suffers. CONSTANT, false accusations towards our family run rampant all over social media. A literal seething hatred permeates towards us. Our loving, but firm stand on the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ is deemed as “hatred” on our part.
We do NOT hate others that don’t choose to believe truth, but rather deeply CARE for their souls and where they will spend Eternity someday.
These instances are only naming a few. However, it is truly and honor. We are nothing….but Jesus is everything and HE is worth suffering reproach for His Name. Come to think of it, our “suffering” is NOTHING compared to His when they screamed “Crucify Him” and He hung upon that Old Rugged Cross!
I LOVE the words to that old hymn of the faith. ??……”and the old, rugged cross, so despised by the world, has a WONDROUS attraction for me. For the dear Lamb of God, left His glory above, to pardon and sanctify me. So, I’ll cherish the Old Rugged Cross!….” ???
2 Timothy 1:12 “For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.”
I encourage you today to stay in the saddle for Jesus! Stay your course. Soldier On, Christian! ?♂️?✈️
Sinners saved by Grace…now Striving to Please Christ in all we do, The Rodrigues Family