**Video Below…
My heart is breaking.
Let me explain…In life, we all experience many joyous moments. We gladly share those moments with others, and perhaps we are viewed as having the “perfect life.” Although no one has a perfect life, we should always be grateful for and focus on the many blessings God gives us. However, it is in the tender, broken, grief stricken moments of life that I find myself learning the deepest truth to surrender. Surrender to an ALL knowing and perfect God! When life seems unfair, we can try to make sense of it or simply trust. We can choose one of two responses. BITTERNESS or BLESSED. Blessed in knowing that we can trust a sovereign God. Trust a God that NEVER makes a mistake. It is a beautiful and special moment when through a season of trials in life, we experience a unique blend of a bleeding heart all while finding peace as we yield that same, broken heart to the will of God.
As many of you, I find those moments most tender between the Saviour and I. He is truly a Man of Sorrows, acquainted with my grief. Recently, David and I found out we were expecting baby #14. We were all THRILLED!
Kaylee was so excited to be pregnant together with me. We ALL began to hope, dream, plan and rejoice together. But, those dreams came crashing down when (while in Florida) David rushed me to the ER with many pregnancy complications. We were losing our sweet baby and we all felt numb. Then the tears came.
But oh, what sweet communion that was with my Lord. He collected each of my tears and put them in a bottle. (Psalms 56:8 “Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?”) He saw me rise, shower and go to church and sing in the middle of my pain. He saw me kneel to praise His Name. He saw me serve my family, when all I felt like doing was curling up in bed. He saw our family press forward. When no one else could see my heart aching with sorrow in a church service, HE saw! When I felt that the whole world might not understand my sorrow of losing my 6th baby to miscarriage (due to the fact I already had 13 living children), I knew God understood. Each child God has allowed us to conceive, is a direct gift from Him, even if He chose to take it to Heaven early. You see, nothing goes unnoticed by God! He rewards faithfulness in the midst of our pain. He cares about each detail and He longs for us to run into His arms of grace and comfort. My son in law (Jonathan) kindly reminded me that this baby was in the center of God’s hands and that there was no safer place to be. What a comfort!Please rejoice with us over this life given to us for oh, SO short a time!
-Jill (for us all) Ephesians 1:12 KJV[12] That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.Galatians 6:14 KJV[14] But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. #baby19